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Common questions & Answers


1) What is ITS?


The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for high-school and middle-school theatre students located at more than 3,600 affiliated secondary schools across America, Canada, and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student excellence in the theatre arts. It is a division of the Educational Theatre Association. Eligibility Thespian membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in theatre arts which meets the Society's general guidelines. Specifically, students become members by earning points for their work. Any student that has earned ten points will be eligible. Students will receive point records sheet from the department chair and are responsible for updating them through their time at Weaver Academy.



 Each spring we will have one induction ceremony to induct new members. To be eligible for induction you must be in good academic standing at the school, be actively engaged in the department (by participating in at least two main stage productions), and earn a minimum of 10 points. Our annual spring awards and induction banquet has become an  honored tradition.



 Officers are elected each year by the members of the society. If any student is interested in a position, they are to notify current officers and/or department chair. Officer Positions are

• President

• Vice President

• Secretary

• Clerk/Historian


State Festival

 Each year, we are allowed to take a specified number of Thespians to the State Thespian Festival. Students will receive Individual Events information at the beginning of the year and auditions will be set to determine which Thespians will be allowed to attend the State Festival. Nobody is guaranteed a spot to the Festival.


Summer International Festival

 Any Thespian is eligible to attend the Summer Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska each summer. Only students who qualify at the State Festival may participate in certain events at the International Festival.


2) Are there script materials available for student use?

Yes, we maintain a theatre library in the department office. Our collection of plays and resource books will be available for student use. Student will be required to sign out each book they wish to borrow. Students must also sign each item back in once they are done. If a student does not return a text, he or she will be responsible for replacing it. If a student fails to check a script back in, and it goes missing, the last person signed out is responsible for replacing it. Some scripts are also available for checkout from the Weaver Media Center.


3) What are the policies regarding attendance?


 As is school policy, students must be present each day. Students can receive up to 3 absences each nine weeks. After that point, students must make up 45 minutes per period missed. After the fourth absence, students will receive a 65/F for the quarter. If a student has experienced extenuating circumstances a waiver may be granted by administration.

*Students must be present for at least half of the day in order to participate in any extra-curricular theatre activity in any capacity.



Students are expected to arrive to class on time each day. You are granted 3 tardies each nine weeks. After the third tardy, and each subsequent one, you will be referred to administration. Parents will be notified after the third tardy to make them aware that any more tardies will result in disciplinary action.


4) Are there any grade requirements in order to participate in extra/co-curricular activities?

 Students must maintain an A or a B in all classes. Students will be responsible for attending tutoring sessions/turning in missed work if they have a C or lower in an effort to raise that grade. If a student has a C or lower in more than one class, a meeting will be called to address whether or not the student will be allowed to continue in extracurricular theatre activities.


5) Can anyone audition for the productions?

All Theatre Majors are able to and encouraged to audition for all co-curricular theatre department shows, with the exception of the senior showcase which is senior only, unless an underclassman is asked by a senior to be involved with a piece.


All Performing and Visual Arts students are eligible to audition for the school-wide musical each year.


All theatre majors are REQUIRED to audition a minimum of two times per year and participate in a minimu of two mainstage projects (either as an actor or technician.


6) What should I wear for classes and such?


All students are required to dress appropriately for each class they are enrolled in.

  • Students of acting classes should be prepared to physically move on a daily basis.

  • All acting students will be required to wear movement clothes in black for each class.

  • Students will be assigned a locker and will dress out daily.

  • Students of technical theatre must wear close-toed shoes.

  • Students of musical theatre will be instructed when to bring dance appropriate clothing/shoes.

  • Any special requirements will be given with at least 24-hours notice.

Failure to adhere to dress code will result in a lower participation score each week.


Work Calls

All students must wear appropriate clothing and close-toed shoes during work calls. Be prepared to get dirty, painted, and sweaty!



All ushers are to wear professional looking attire. No jeans are to be worn by ushers.


7) Can I have food and drink in classes and rehearsals?

During Class 

No food is allowed in class without prior permission. Closed-top clear water bottles are permitted at all times.


During Rehearsals 

Food and drink must be consumed in the commons areas prior to rehearsal. No food or drink, other than water or that required of a production will be allowed. No gum is allowed onstage during rehearsals or performances.


During Production 

No food or open beverages are allowed in dressing rooms. Do not eat while in costume, unless directed to do so onstage. Only closed-top water bottles are allowed backstage during performances.

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